The Uterus In ART

Dernek Kurucuları

Dernek Kurucuları

1 Ahmet Zeki Işık Doktor Ankara
2 Ahmet Serdar İşcan Doktor İstanbul
3 Alper Mumcu Doktor İstanbul
4 Ayşe Arvaş Biyolog İstanbul
5 Ayşe Aytoz Doktor Sakarya
6 Bihter Dingiloğlu Doktor Kayseri
7 Burcu Tamer Biyolog Kayseri
8 Cem Akarsu Doktor Ankara
9 Cem Ayhan Doktor İstanbul
10 Cengiz Alataş Doktor İstanbul
11 Eran Sözen Doktor Ankara
12 Gül Leyla Kılıç Biyolog Sakarya
13 Gürhan Keleş Doktor Ankara
14 Hakan Kozinoğlu Doktor Bursa
15 Kaan Bozkurt Doktor İzmir
16 Kayhan Yakın Doktor İstanbul
17 Kemal Özgür Doktor Antalya
18 Kerem Dirican Biyolog Ankara
19 Kubilay Vicdan Doktor Ankara
20 Meriç Karacan Doktor İstanbul
21 Mete Işıkoğlu Doktor Antalya
22 Murat Berkanoğlu Doktor Antalya
23 Murat Seleker Biyolog Antalya
24 Münip Berberoğlu Doktor İstanbul
25 Ramazan Mercan Doktor İstanbul
26 Refaattin Yücel Doktor İstanbul
27 Özlem Aksünger Biyolog Antalya
28 Semra Kahraman Doktor İstanbul
29 Senai Aksoy Doktor İstanbul
30 Tülay Özbiçer Biyolog Ankara
31 Vedat Aytuğ Kolankaya Doktor İstanbul
32 Yücel Karaman Doktor İstanbul
33 Zeynep Coşkun Biyolog Kayseri
34 Ziya Gönenç Doktor İstanbul
35 Ziya Kalem Doktor Ankara
Dernek Kurucuları
Yönetim Kurulu
Dernek Tüzüğü
Kongre ve Kurslar
Banka Bilgileri


Fertilitenin Korunması Toplantısı


 At the next ESHRE Annual Meeting (Geneva, 2-5 July 2017), a new Committee of National Representatives (CNR) will have to replace the current Committee. In view of this change we are now arranging the first round in the election process.

 In the first round of the elections, members of all eligible countries (i.e. with more than 15 members) are asked to stand for election. Each candidacy has to be supported by two other members (i.e. a “proposer” and a “seconder”). The candidate, the proposer and seconder have to be members of the Society in good standing order and have to be residents of the same country. A short biographical sketch (of no more than 50 words) of the candidate will be required. In case the name of only one clinician or one basic scientist is received for a particular country, the proposed individuals will be automatically regarded as the new members of the CNR for that country and no second round of elections will be held for that country.

 You can now submit your candidacy to stand for election in the second round for your country of residence : Turkey. Candidacies can be submitted on the following webpage:

Please note that in order to access this webpage, you need to login first.

We look forward to receiving your candidacy before the deadline of 6 March 2017.

With kind regards.

ESHRE Central Office
Meerstraat 60 / B-1852 Grimbergen / Belgium
Web address:

Find out more about our 33rd Annual Meeting at